This morning, sipping my first coffee of the day, I read a promotional piece from one of our confetti suppliers. They credit a Master Confettiologist with inspiring the great work they do.
Well, we have a Confettiologist or two of our own here at AirMagic. Here's a few pictures from recent events - indoor and outdoor - that Matt, our Master of Confetti Arts, has shot recently.
Here we are at the newly re-branded Tanger Outlet Mall, on highway 400. If you were passing by that day on your way to the cottage or the casino you would have witnessed clouds of red and white filling the afternoon sky.
Here we are back in the CBC Atrium. This is one of the best places to shoot Confetti in Toronto. We can set our gear up along the railings of one of the higher floors and literally make it rain confetti. We love working there!
Here's Matt's work again, at L'Oreal's Colour Trophy Awards Show. The runway is full of confetti from the opening shot. Matt created subtle low clouds of fog to set the mood for this part of the show.