Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Check out the Royale Cakes

 Our store is up and running. Our shipment from Royale came in yesterday. These Cakes are amazing. Bright, bombastic, high, with beautiful colours.

If you're shooting Fireworks this weekend, you must have one of these in your arsenal.

Here's a few pics to whet your appetite. See ya'all soon

Monday, May 13, 2013

Getting ready for Victoria Day

When I was a boy, May meant "Firecracker Day." It was the Queen's birthday. I found that very confusing - wasn't the queen's name Elizabeth?

Despite the confusion, May 24 remained the big night. We'd spell our names in the air with sparklers, my dad would light our meager assortment of roman candles and little volcanos, and we'd revel in the conflagration of the Burning School House.

When my kids were young I was the "fireworks guy" at the schoolyard, the neighbourhood Gandalf, delighting kids and parents alike. 

My kids grew up behind the counter on Victoria Day weekends, helping the next generation to pick out the best and the brightest.

Surrounded yet again by fireworks, my beautiful daughters will be back beside me this year, along with the rest of the AirMagic team, selling the best damn bangs and booms available today. C'mon down and see us.

This year we are offering a curated selection picked from the thousands of fireworks imported into Canada each year.

We are featuring fireworks designed by two of Canada's most imaginative maestros of the sky.

... AND we're the exclusive Ontario dealer for the amazing

Bring this coupon with to receive your FREE FIREWORKS   

Still blowin' it up real good....

Mark Fine,
May 2013